A young man who tries to commit suicide before being stopped by a man who resembles Jesus Christ.


Born in a small town in Southwest Arizona, Isaias is a first-generation citizen of Mexican descent. He comes from a Christian background, and lives with his parents and older sister. When he was nine years old, his father was involved in a construction accident that resulted in a severe spinal cord injury. After the accident, Isaias was mostly raised by his older sister as his parents were preoccupied trying to navigate life with a disability while undocumented.

During his sophomore year of high school, his parents briefly separated due to familial and financial tensions. The summer after, the arson of a department store took place in his area; the perpetrator behind the fire remains a mystery to the rest of the town. Throughout the rest of high school, he began to suffer from severe paranoid delusions, the stress from such accumulating into a suicide attempt through hanging at the age of eighteen; he only survived as the belt broke.

Two years after graduating, he is still unable to cope with the guilt, the paranoia, and his belief of himself as someone who simply cannot change. He again attempted suicide by train, but is stopped in what he deems divine intervention.


Isaias had a reputation throughout his teenage years of being a reckless and intimidating young man; he often engaged in self-harm and disorderly conduct such as violence towards peers and damage to property. He has never been receptive to consequences, and perhaps even looked forward to getting in trouble since it meant receiving some kind of attention- something that he deep down craves.

He has no aspirations outside of a fantasy of being a music artist that he does little to actually achieve. Despite this, he is still passionate about what matters to him, such as said interest in music as well as politics. Anti-capitalist and anti-establishment, Isaias has been interested in radical politics since a young age. This interest often dives into an anarchist and even accelerationist edge as an outlet for a deep-rooted anger and nihilism towards everything and everyone. He believes anger to be the only emotion he really knows, and as an adult, is something he desperately attempts to keep in check.

Despite his reputation, Isaias is capable of being a compassionate person when the situation calls for it, though it's not something that comes naturally to him. He also is an easily overwhelmed and awkward person, where he often stumbles over his own words and is a bit scatterbrained- much to his chagrin. He is very insecure over his own abilities and intelligence, which is only exacerbated after his suicide attempt in high school.



Isaias and Tonatiuh have known each other since they were children, brought together from the accident, and quickly became each other's emotional support.

Because of their mutual experience, they both are very cynical people who always felt they were at odds against the world. They always wanted some kind of validation in their anger towards their circumstances and themselves, and sought this validation out from each other. They reveled in sharing a sort of superiority complex- being judgemental and condescending together, and holding each other at a much higher regard than the rest of their peers.

Despite their apparent closeness, however, they didn't tell each other everything. Isaias never told Tonatiuh what he did in his sophomore year, and about the regret and paranoia that increasingly weighed on him. He began to resent Tonatiuh's clinginess and deliberately distanced himself in an attempt to hurt him. This came as a massive shock to Tonatiuh and triggered his fear of abandonment.

When they reconcile two years later, Isaias feels extreme remorse over abandoning him and hopes that Tonatiuh can change him for the better, while Tonatiuh is hesitant to trust him again and is concerned with Isaias' want to be “fixed”. Still, they attempt to allow each other back into their lives again, and reflect on the feelings they had been keeping bottled up for years.




